cheat sheet

Clean up of containers

remove all exited containers (should be run on each node):

docker rm $(docker ps -q -f status=exited)

attach bash to a running container:

sudo docker exec -i -t containername /bin/bash

Dos and donts

  1. Don’t store data in containers
  2. Don’t ship your application in two pieces
  3. Don’t create large images
  4. Don’t use a single layer image
  5. Don’t create images from running containers
  6. Don’t use only the “latest” tag
  7. Don’t run more than one process in a single container
  8. Don’t store credentials in the image. Use environment variables
  9. Don’t run processes as a root user
  10. Don’t rely on IP addresses

Updating this documentation

issue the following command to update this documentation:

docker run --name sphinxneeds --rm \
      -e "Project=Flex4apps" \
      -e "Author=Till Witt, Johannes Berg, Alex Nowak" \
      -e "Version=v0.1" \
      -v "$(pwd)/compose:/project/compose" \
      -v "$(pwd)/docs:/project/input" \
      -v "$(pwd)/output:/project/output" \
      -i -t tlwt/sphinxneeds-docker

docker run --name buildTheDocs --rm \
      -e "Project=Flex4apps" \
      -e "Author=Till Witt, Johannes Berg, Alex Nowak" \
      -e "Version=v0.1" \
      -v "$(pwd)/compose:/project/compose" \
      -v "$(pwd)/docs:/project/input" \
      -v "$(pwd)/output:/project/output" \
      -i -t sphinx_image